Monday, January 11, 2010

Precious English Lesson

I had wanted to gather over time and then put up the list of precious (but widely/daily available) pointers from a foreign talent. However, the pinnacle was reached last Friday, so I had to put the list up before the next one, at the expense of bad karma. Please appreciate this:

Morning/ afternoon = morling/afterloon which have now been corrected but followed by “se-peaking”.
Clinic = key-e-nic
Empty = empathy
Guess what 'organic yoga' means? Our initial guesses were yoga without a mat or naked yoga. It turned out to be neither cuz she meant 'organic yogurt'.

Manicure = Menicure
Pedicure = Penicure (my boss said this service only available to men)

Yes, copyright belongs to the foreign talent who said she got PR status within a year cuz she’s bilingual! Singaporeans, buck up!!!

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