Monday, January 18, 2010

Freebies are great!

This year I’m extremely lucky cuz my birthday treats started from last week and should end by next weekend. Have been enjoying lots of good food. The best was an overnight muffin topped with a candle and a paper flame which ‘flickered’ when I blew at it. Long time no see friends called me up for dinner. And my primary school friends I met up with last Friday for a gathering gave me a pleasant surprise. Free dinner and thereafter a cake. My friend the organiser was supposed to walk out with the cake at the café but it was very crowded so we went to sit at the harbor front and he came back with it after his visit to the toilet. I supposed he also told quite a few people in our alumni who didn’t turn up about my birthday which was probably why I got SMSes from some on my birthday. First time in so many years haha! Since it was a surprise, there wasn’t any photo.

Had turkish lunch (Sofra at Shaw towers. Great food!) and thai dinner on my closest girlfriends on my birthday. Noticed my new necklace from my friend? We took the long ride on the escalator to the rooftop of orchard central for some breeze after dinner to escape from the crowd. The B2 link to Centrepoint was cool. Reminds me of Macau. Orchard road on weekends is crazy! Hope orchard central continues not to do so well.
My neighbour at work baked and brought me a hershey’s chocolate cake this morning. Nice cake – sweetness just right and moist. Yes, the one on the left is the baker. Can reveal her contact number if you need to place an order with her. Guess what? The intelligence chief bought me a gift after receiving a slice of my cake. Can buy 4D! Oh, and u can see i already cut my hair.

My China colleague gave me a present which she said could be taken with me onboard a plane to the States. It’s actually a nice earring hanger. Guess should be safe though I didn’t really understand what she meant.

The company’s annual dinner is coming up this Friday. We’re supposed to turn up in costumes of another ethnic group so I’m wearing the cheongsam since (I really think) I’m Indian.

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