Saturday, May 7, 2011

My first vote

Like many Singaporeans, I cast my first vote in the general election today! We went to the polling station early in the morning. My mom was amazed with how nice Farrer Park precint has become (though there's still only one bus serving that area.

Voting was a breeze. I already knew where to put the cross and after watching the Bryan Wong and Pierre Png commercials on tv, i thought i knew what to do. However, when i got my card and the 2 second right to vote, i was a little lost with whagt to do and was worried I marked in the wrong box. So excited that i now have already forgotten how it looked like.

To celebrate our newfound rights, we continued walking to Tekka market for breakfast, and took pictures with campiagn posters along the way - this is one of the things i always when i travel and come across local elections. My mum is a diehard PAP fan plus she hates gthe 'teochew woman' and so refused to take a photo even with the WP posters.

On thursday, I went with my colleague to the final WP rally to 'kay poh' what they have to say and take it as an eye-opener and be entertained if the points were not valid. The turnout was phenomenal but phenomenal really is an understatement. People were That was also my first time attending a rally. cheering, shouting and responding to almost everything the candidates said on stage. There, i saw how charismatic Pritam Singh is. He can easily be the future leader of WP to make the local political scene vibrant. There should be more talented choices in the opposition parties.

I like how the election will culminate with the results (show) tonight. It's like watching the American Idols but this time, I play a part too. As for now, it's over to city square mall for a nice meal for the energy to stay up tonight to catch the election results. Maybe i should buy some titbits too!

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