Monday, May 21, 2007

Ways to answer THIS question

How many times have u attended weddings and people (usually older people) ask u, "Hey, when r u getting married" or "why r u not married?"... I don't come across these interesting moments that often but I've come up with some possible answers. Spoke to my frens abt it...

Of course, we can give conventional answers like "haven't found the right person", "time is not right", "no money" this, no that. Yawn........

How about pretending to ignore or say "I enjoy freedom... i mean look at you..." (if the person is a haggard-looking auntie). Or "I heard your son/daughter is still single. Why so?"

And what about "Uncle, don't u think you're too old for me"?

Maybe I'll try this on my relatives, if they give me the chance to, at my cousin's upcoming wedding.

1 comment:

moshi ng said...

How about "Love sux"? and then anticipate their jaws dropping! haha...