Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I must say this again - I love Pork!

Amongst the common meats we eat in our daily meals, i still rank pork the highest.

  1. its between red n white, so its very healthy
  2. heard there're lots of bacteria on pork, can can build up natural resistance
  3. its one of the most versatile meat around - you cook beef in many different ways but all you taste is the same cheesy, milky taste, which you dun need all the time; pork is different, it takes on whichever identity n taste the chef turns it into
  4. actually i must thank my mum, cuz she cooks us nothing but fish

In my recent trip to China, i was very very very happy to find pork sausage muffin at macdonalds! And then, there was the famous wanshan trotters and tongpo belly. Slurp!!!

I was a little traumatised to find a motorbike with ten overturned and pigs tied and stacked onto the back in cambodia approach and park next to me at the petrol kiosk. But that evening, i managed to overcome my fear after having very nice grilled pork chop for lunch n dinner, a rare find in that country.

Some good place for pork in Spore will be the black pig japanese restaurant at liang court, tongpo belly at dian xiao er... Pls tell me if you know more.

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